气候变化是我们这个时代最大的挑战. 一个可持续的未来是可能的, 但这需要各级政府做出重大承诺, 工商界和公民社会. As the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide according to the IEA, 中国’s green transition is critical to the success of the global green transition. 北京 has pledged to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, 但在中国, 和很多国家一样, short-term economic concerns tend to trump longer-term 可持续性 efforts – and this is where Swedish companies can play an important role and support 中国 on its path to a greener future.

Business 乐博彩票官方app is working with 12 leading Swedish companies whose innovative solutions are a perfect match to help speed up 中国’s green transition. This report sheds light on five 可持续性 challenges facing Swedish companies in 中国, and how collaboration through our ‘Pioneer the possible’ platform can pave the way for progress.




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