Elekta创新的精密放射治疗解决方案正在改变癌症患者的生活. 我们的使命是通过与客户和合作伙伴的合作来改善患者的生活, 能够在世界各地开展业务扩展了这一范围. Time is always an imperative within the medical sector; while companies want to get their products into new markets quickly to reach as many patients as possible, 在此之前,仍有一些重要的监管和法律要求需要解决.


As a Swedish company looking to establish in South America, Elekta最初需要一个低风险的解决方案,既能支持当地业务,又能提供乐博彩票官方app研究方面的帮助. 他们的第一个乐博彩票官方app是巴西,随后又进入了哥伦比亚和智利.

Antonio Ponce, Elekta’s VP for South America said: “When I started at Elekta, my first office was at Business Sweden in Brazil. On the first day, I had a desk, a computer, mobile phone, 我可以立即开始真正的工作:聘请律师和雇人. 我们在乐博彩票官方app商务部门工作了六个月,直到我们在Elekta开设了办事处.”

乐博彩票官方app商业是一个促进者. It wasn’t just an office, it has been market research, identifying and connecting with the right hospitals for Elekta, 并通过其政府网络与卫生部合作. Antonio Ponce, Vice President South America, Elekta

The physical and practice office support was just the start, Elekta充分利用了与Business Sweden团队密切合作的机会.

乐博彩票官方app商业是一个促进者. It wasn’t just an office, it has been market research, identifying and connecting with the right hospitals for Elekta, 并通过其政府网络与卫生部合作,” explained Ponce.

New country, new challenges

对许多乐博彩票官方app公司来说,在一个新的国家创业会带来挑战. And those challenges are often unique for the company, depending on the industry, products, and local requirements. For Elekta, 注册他们的医疗设备需要他们浏览未知的流程和文书工作, but also identifying and participating in government tenders. 了解这些投标的技术规范以及Elekta的产品如何适应投标是至关重要的. 在Elekta的早期建立阶段, using Business Sweden’s services fast tracked this process.

ElektaExplaining the need for this support, Ponce explained:

“当你在一个新国家从零开始时,你也需要走政治道路. 与乐博彩票官方app商务公司合作要容易得多, 他们对乐博彩票官方app有适当的了解,可以告诉你需要填写的确切表格, how to apply for approvals, 谁在做决定.”

“我们的产品技术含量很高, 其中一些还含有放射性物质, 这不是不经过正确的监管和产品注册程序就可以出售的东西. 乐博彩票官方app商业部找到了能够帮助监管流程和产品注册的人. 这意味着我们为公开招标所需的快速转变做好了准备, we had everything ready, so we didn’t miss out.”

Elekta在南美的业务和雄心正在增长,乐博彩票官方app商业部门的支持使他们能够在智利和哥伦比亚复制巴西使用的模式. By using Business Sweden’s employment services, Elekta已经能够在这两个国家派驻销售代表,并开始扩大规模, 没有风险,也没有找办公室或成立公司所需的长时间.

For me, 我了解当地的乐博彩票官方app和语言, 但商业乐博彩票官方app也可以连接回Elekta总部,迅速解决问题. 我们一起迅速解决问题,所以我们的产品总是符合要求, and we reach the right people. Antonio Ponce, Vice President South America, Elekta
A rapid and ongoing impact in the healthcare sector

巴西60%以上的医疗保健服务由公共部门经营, a figure that is replicated across South America, 因此,参与大规模的公开招标是他们在该地区的一个关键部分. 能够将他们的精密放射治疗设备投入公立医院意味着他们对癌症患者的影响和影响是深远的.

Elekta目前占有35%的乐博彩票官方app份额,在南美各地的医院拥有270多台机器. 这些机器的影响是巨大的. On average, an Elekta machine in the region treats 80-90 patients per day, 相比之下,美国或欧洲的年龄在30-35岁左右. This means that each day, more than 22,000名患者接受由乐博彩票官方app公司开发的设备的癌症治疗.

The ongoing market outreach and penetration for Elekta continues, 与乐博彩票官方app商业部的合作也是如此. Elekta继续发挥乐博彩票官方app商务部门的作用,代表乐博彩票官方app公司和乐博彩票官方app品牌, 这在巴西很受尊重.


Ponce concludes: ‘Swedish companies have a good reputation; they deliver what they say they are going to do, they are respected. 这在医疗保健行业至关重要,因为医院需要确切地知道他们将获得什么以及何时获得. 在批准和购买医疗设备方面,乐博彩票官方app商业公司得到了公共部门和政府部门的信任.

“For me, 我了解当地的乐博彩票官方app和语言, 但商业乐博彩票官方app也可以连接回Elekta总部,迅速解决问题. 我们一起迅速解决问题,所以我们的产品总是符合要求, and we reach the right people.”





商务乐博彩票官方app提供企业孵化和运营服务, providing office space and administration support, 以及正在进行的就业服务. To fast-track Elekta’s regulatory and compliance, 乐博彩票官方app商业部确定了Elekta并将其与适当的个人和部门联系起来,以满足他们的具体要求.


与企业服务支持, market outreach, 以及乐博彩票官方app商业在巴西的团队提供的政府参与, Columbia, 智利意味着Elekta的团队能够立即开始工作, focus on their core business, 并迅速浏览法律和医疗领域,以便能够参与政府招标. Since their launch in South America and becoming fully compliant, 他们目前在该地区拥有85多名员工,占有35%的乐博彩票官方app份额.

Value Impact

Elekta are continuing their growth and reach across the region, treating over 24,000 patients daily with their precision radiation therapy. 他们在公共和私人医疗保健系统中建立了良好的声誉, 使他们能够参与招标,并积极塑造医疗技术领域的发展.

About Elekta

Founded in Sweden in 1972, Elekta现在是精密放射治疗解决方案的领先创新者,致力于确保每位患者都能获得最好的癌症治疗. 他们的产品使临床医生能够以更高的质量治疗更多的患者, 在解决方案和基于全球网络的人工智能支持服务方面都有创造价值的创新.