让智能能源的生产和应用成为现实, stakeholders from every aspect of the value chain must be committed to sustainable innovation that supports efficient production processes.

The Nordic battery cluster is attracting leading global companies and Senior is completing a part of the puzzle with their high-performance wet-process base film, 陶瓷和聚合物表面涂层技术, 还有锂离子分离器. These 材料 are part of the complex production process of battery production and ongoing innovation is needed to ensure that the immediate and long-term goals of the sustainable energy industry are met.


The 欧洲an Climate Law established in 2021 outlining the aim of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050 has been a catalyst for investment in countries and companies who can deliver solutions. 这些目标包括到2030年将汽车排放量减少55%, 到2030年,货车排放量减少50%, 到2035年实现新车零排放. 要做到这一点,绿色电池生产势在必行.

But the 材料 and technology needed for the smart energy shift need to be brought together in regional supply chains to meet these non-negotiable 可持续性 targets. 对于Senior来说,乐博彩票官方app是他们成为欧洲解决方案一部分的天然基地. 高级欧洲大客户经理Leia Deng解释道:

乐博彩票官方app和北欧国家拥有最环保、最具成本效益的能源, 以及良好的制造业基地. The good social consensus about energy saving and emission reductions means our local workforce will be aligned with both our company mission and the wider agenda. 乐博彩票官方app is also a good end-consumer market for new energy so being part of the ecosystem here is important for us on many different levels.

“The rapid development of the lithium-ion battery manufacturing industry in 乐博彩票官方app and 在北欧国家 drew us here and our base in Eskilstuna, 我们在欧洲的第一家分店, 与我们的客户有便利的交通联系吗, 同时还能及时提供我们生产产品所需的物资.”


高管们一直把创新作为业务运营的核心, 在快节奏的环境中,哪一个是必要的, 尖端电池行业. They were the first dry separator breakthrough company in 中国 with independent development and commercialisation of dry separators using a new technical process and self-developed production lines. They set new standards in the Chinese market with the successful launch of a dry product that was adopted by BYD blade battery application and have continued to push the boundaries with research and development in wet PE production line and have launched mass production lines in a dedicated plant which has the highest unit capacity in the world.

这种R的方法&D is in high demand and fits into the rapid innovation that is driving growth in the Nordic battery cluster. Being close to the end customer means Senior can react swiftly to the needs of the market as well as contribute knowledge to the ongoing innovation process.

Leia Deng继续说道:

“具有成本效益和高效率的生产系统, 开发新材料, 提高电池寿命, 安全, 可靠性是能源行业面临的巨大挑战. 其核心是可持续创新——乐博彩票官方app和Senior的共同目标.”


快速的数字化加速了电池生产和材料开发, 改变了乐博彩票官方app的增长轨迹, 在北欧国家, 和全球. 乐博彩票官方app’s advanced digital infrastructure and workforce are playing a major role in Senior’s ability to build on their digital heritage and future ambitions.


“可视化的工厂, 在过去的十年里,创新和创造力都发生了翻天覆地的变化. 许多我们认为理所当然可以提高效率的小变化仍然是相对较新的. 拥抱数字化不仅仅意味着创新, it is about business security; if we aren’t at the forefront of change, 我们不会有竞争力. 我们需要不断探索各种可能性,并提供新的解决方案, 材料, 以及生产方法,使能源行业能够继续发展并达到排放目标.


Senior saw an opportunity to invest in 乐博彩票官方app’s emerging battery value chain and become a key supplier to Northvolt and other 欧洲an battery manufacturers, 但该公司需要帮助建立新的欧洲总部. 这意味着要了解乐博彩票官方app的商业环境、供应网络和法规.  


Business 乐博彩票官方app assisted Senior from the outset as the company drew up plans to establish its first production facility outside 中国, 选择埃斯基尔斯蒂纳作为最先进的工厂所在地. 这包括见解, facts and practical support in processes ranging from environmental permitting and auditing to labour regulations and cost calculations.  


感谢持续的决策支持, Senior is successfully moving forward with its investment and construction plans and keeping to its stated timetable. The management gained a firm understanding of local requirements and benefited from practical assistance and the contacts that Business 乐博彩票官方app’s project team facilitated on the ground.    



Senior将继续顺利进军欧洲乐博彩票官方app. 位于乐博彩票官方app埃斯基尔斯蒂纳的新工厂不仅包括生产,还包括R&D which gives the company an efficient and solid base from which it can supply customers across the continent with battery 材料 and technologies. 


深圳市高科材料有限公司.是全球领先的锂离子电池隔膜供应商. The company is headquartered in the tech hub Shenzhen and supplies the world’s largest battery manufacturers with patented separator solutions.  

The company is listed on the Shenzhen stock exchange and plans to expand in 中国 and internationally to meet growing demand for battery components. The investment in 乐博彩票官方app and Eskilstuna represents the first establishment of a production facility overseas.